• 香港是一個國際大都會,兩文三語異常重要,因此,也成為了教育的重要範疇。要孩子敢講敢用,一個真實的語言環境就最好不過。有見及此,本校於暑假舉行「澳洲全方位學習之旅」,讓孩子體驗不同的學習歷程。

  1. 學習英語
  2. 訓練自我照顧及獨立應變能力
  3. 訓練學生社交及與人相處能力
  4. 認識澳洲文化
  5. 體驗留學生生活
  6. 增加自信
  7. 結交外國朋友
  8. 增廣見聞
  • 03-04
  • 04-05
  • 06-07
  • 08-09
  • 12-13
Australia Study Tour
Experiential learning is essential for our students as there is no greater way to learn than through rich authentic situations. This trip gave students the chance to apply what they have learnt in Hong Kong. They stayed with their host family for two weeks. They learnt not only the culture but also self-care and how to be responsible. Besides, students also studied in a local school with their buddies. It was definitely a valuable experience and one they won’t forget in a hurry!